Purkay Labs News
Using Machine Learning to Protect Your Data Center from Future Thermal Runaway Situations
"What if you could predict a cooling failure before it caused downtime? Discover how machine learning is transforming data center resiliency and helping operators prevent thermal runaway."
5 Quick Wins for Immediate Cooling Efficiency
Looking for immediate energy savings in your data center? Check out these five quick wins for improving cooling efficiency—no major overhauls required!
Predictive Cooling Failure Tests
It can be hard to evaluate cooling resiliency while your Data Center is live. Check out this case study where Purkay Labs used their new predictive analysis feature that combines real-time data and prediction on how long a client's data center had if their cooling units went down.
New Feature: Isotherm Maps
We're excited to introduce a new feature in our AUDIT-MATE software: Isotherm Maps. This innovative enhancement adds a visual layer to our static maps, displaying exact temperature values directly on the map lines. Now, users can quickly and accurately identify specific temperature zones without constantly referring to the color scale.
How “What If” Turns into Resiliency Planning
"Explore the vital role of "What If?" scenarios in safeguarding data center operations in our latest Keep Your Cool blog. Discover how strategic planning and predictive analysis can help you assess and enhance your cooling system's resilience without risking downtime."
Staying Cool: Lessons from the Golf Course to the Data center
This week, we'll take a look at how a hot day on the golf course with my son offered surprising insights for data center management. Just as you wouldn't hit the links without plenty of water and a trusty hat, managing a data center without monitoring tools like AUDIT-BUDDY to keep the servers cool can be just as risky. After all, overheating can ruin your day, whether you're trying to avoid a bogey or a server meltdown!
Who’s Watching the Chillers?
Monitoring the rooftop chiller intake and exhaust may seem like a novel idea, but it’s absolutely crucial to running an efficient data center. Like the racks in the white space, chillers can be impacted by recirculating air, lowering the efficiency and effectiveness of your cooling. The best solution is to regularly monitor this environment.
Wet Bulb Globe Temperature in the Data Center
As temperatures rise within the data center environment, the risk of heat-related illnesses for technicians and other staff working in the hot aisle increases significantly. Today we’ll do a deep dive into how you can the Wet Bulb Globe Temperature o influence operator safety.
Heat Stress in the Data Center
As temperatures rise within the data center environment, the risk of heat-related illnesses for technicians and other staff working in the hot aisle increases significantly. Today we’ll do a deep dive into how you can the Heat Stress Index, or Heat Index, to influence operator safety.
How Hot is Too Hot in the Data Center
At Keep Your Cool, we often advocate for raising data center temperatures to improve efficiency and OpEx. However, as temperatures climb, so does the risk of heat-related illnesses for staff in hot aisles, exacerbated by high wattage servers, particularly those fueled by AI. Today, let's explore why measuring heat stress in these environments is crucial for both people and performance.
Mastering the Heat: Navigating the Hot Aisle Containment
This week we are exploring how to evaluate your Hot Aisle Containment post-installation.