Purkay Labs

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Speaker: Purkay Labs' PM Moderates International Data Center Day Panel

March 24, 2021 * Providence, RI

On March 24, Purkay Labs’ Director of Product Management, Aheli Purkayastha, moderated a session on “Data Center Discovery: Where Does Your Data Go?” a session geared towards middle schoolers to introduce them to career opportunities within the Data Center Field.

Have you ever wondered where an email goes? Or what is “the cloud?” What happens when you join a Zoom call or upload a picture to Instagram? ​Welcome to Data Center Discovery – a webinar designed for middle schoolers (and above) to learn where all your digital information goes: a Data Center. In this session, you can expect to learn about the inner workings of a Data Center and take a virtual tour of a real-life data center. Join us as we journey through the digital landscape.

The 30 minute webinar provides:

  • Details on where your data goes

  • Information about a new STEM Career

  • An opportunity to explore a Virtual Data Center