Purkay Labs

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2022 at Purkay Labs

Our team take a moment to wish you a very happy holiday season, and take a moment to look back at 2022.

10 Years of Purkay Labs

We celebrated our 10 year anniversary this year in October. This would not be possible without your help and suggestions on what to work on next. We look forward to (at least) another decade of helping your simplify your monitoring and airflow management needs.

New Sustainability Feature

We are continuing our commitment to sustainability by adding a new Impact calculator to our efficiency dashboards. Now users can calculate the impact their airflow (cooling) waste has on their OpEx, Carbon, and PUE. This builds on our core feature that allows users to use their temperature & humidity data to calculate how much airflow is reaching (and cooling their) servers.

Keep Your Cool Blog

In May, we launched our new blog, called Keep Your Cool, which focuses on simple airflow management strategies for busy data center operators. Started by our newest team member, Gregg shares his best practices honned from over 30 years on the job as a Data Center Manager. He has covered a range of topics from incorporating thermal audits into your preventative maintenance team to most recently how to handle tackle humidity in the Data Center.

A new post comes out every two weeks. You can see previous posts here.


It was great to have the opportunity to travel again and network in-person again. Our team enjoyed conferences in the beautiful Orlando, Atlantic City and San Antonio for the various 7X24 Exchange conferences.


We are continuing to add new features to the AUDIT-MATE software for your AUDIT-BUDDY and/or WIFI-BUDDY. Some new features include:

  • You can now download the AUDIT-MATE program from our website and use for 7 Days without registering. This is ideal for users who want to read AUDIT-BUDDY data.

  • Now you can check the battery strength of TH1 Module and Wi-Fi adapter before you start the scan.

  • We have added an “Express Start Scan” that allows users to start scanning in one screen.

  • For LongScan users, you can now quickly identify your max or min values in your data set in one click.

  • Update the color scale for your Static Heat Maps

For more updates, check out this post on all the new updates for AUDIT-MATE.

If you are existing client, you qualify for a upgrade discount. Contact us with questions.

New Measurement Parameters

This year we added more measurement parameters, including:

  • Heat Stress Index

  • Wet Bulb Globe Temperature

  • Vapor Pressure Deficit

We hope you enjoy using Purkay Labs and these new enhancements. If you have any questions or need any support, please don’t hesitate to contact our friendly support team.